Wednesday, May 8, 2013

if only i chose not be be anonymous

       So I recently had sex with the biggest name in college football. This is the one time I really wish I hadn't chosen to keep this anonymous due to the simple fact that I deserve a fucking trophy for sleeping with this kid. And by kid, I do mean that he's a year younger than me. Which I have never done before, but he was SO worth it.
     Like if you google his name, you can watch countless videos of him beating the shit out of D1 football players.  I fucked someone on the COVER OF SPORTS ILLUSTRATED :) 
     Unfortunately, there is really nothing special to say about our sex except that it happened. Before this, I had never slept with a black guy. So go big or go home, right? And I mean BIG. The kid himself is over 6'5 and 260+lbs. His body literally looks as though God himself hand-sculpted it. And his penis is exactly how you would expect a gigantic D1 black football player's penis to be; overwhelming. 
     I won't go into details, but I certainly started my summer off with a bang. And I cannot wait to see his ass drafted to the NfL next year knowing that I had him in my bed :)

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