Wednesday, January 15, 2014


        During the summer between my junior and senior years in college, I met a guy I will refer to as Thor.  This is because he greatly resembled Chris Hemsworth's character in the Thor movie series; tall, handsome, and muscular with long hair and piercing blue eyes.  He lived behind the boutique that I worked at, and I saw him moving in one day while I was parking my car.  I was in one of my ballsy moods and flirted with him a little.  Turns out, he was opening a candy store with his brother on the nearby college campus.  Later that night as I was walking back to my car, I left my number in his mailbox, telling him to let me know if he ever needed anyone to show him around the new neighborhood.
       Well, I got a text later that night and we arranged to hang out.  I stopped by after work the next day, where he gave me a tour of his new house.  Like let's be real here, Thor; I have absolutely no interest in your tiny house or your old, smelly brown labrador that I'm pretending to enjoy petting.  After the obligatory praises for the new homeowner and forced remarks about how pleasant his decaying dog was, we finally ended up in his bedroom.  His bookshelf is directly across from his bed, so we sat there as he explained which of the books were his favorite.  It was painfully clear that Thor LOVED the sound of his own voice and believed himself to be the most important person on the planet.  Again, I just sat there, pretending to be interested until there was finally a pause in his rambling.  "Can I do something I've been wanting to do since I saw you yesterday?" I asked.  Before he could open his mouth, I climbed on top of him and started making out with him.
      A guy like that has had a lot of practice with women.  He is not only beautiful to look at, but comes across as fascinating, complicated, and mysterious (until you realize he's really just in love with himself).  So I wasn't at all surprised when sex with him ended up being some of the best sex I'd ever had.  And the best part about the whole situation was that I wasn't looking for anything, and Thor was already in a relationship with his ego, so it never amounted to more than really great sex.
     The one thing Thor and I did have in common was our interest in adventurous, exhibitionist sex.  Sex in a place where we were risking getting caught made it even more enjoyable.  So it wasn't long before I demanded to be fucked in the candy shop.  It was still under construction and not set to open for a few months, but it was still pretty awesome.  I can happily say that I have been bent over the counter that thousands of college kids are now purchasing their after-school candy off of.

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