Wednesday, December 4, 2013

the mini

Despite my attempt at avoiding any sort of attachment, Robby (the former British hookup who can't hold his alcohol) and I have continued to talk and remained friends.  He is working 800 miles away, but stays with me whenever he comes into town to visit college friends.  Last weekend he visited for the first time in 2 months and we acted like horny, classless teenagers.

He had flown into an airport nearby and borrowed his friend's grandparents car to drive down, which was a tiny, pimped-out mini cooper.  I don't know if you remember, but Robby is a tall, lanky guy, so he looked absolutely ridiculous in that car.  Anyway, we went out to drinks and dinner with his friends when he got in town.  However, it was evident that we just wanted to go home and have sex the entire time.  After one too many drinks and the obligatory time spent socializing with his friends, I classily grabbed him and asked, "Can we just go home and fuck now?"  Luckily for me, Robby has gotten used to my complete lack of a filter and happily complied.

The bars and my house were less than 3 miles apart, but that didn't stop me from somehow giving Robby road head on the way home.  When he pulled into my driveway, he demanded that we have sex in the mini is a tiny car and my bed it literally 30 feet away.  But logic meant nothing; he somehow scooted into the passenger seat, I got on top, and opened the door so I could put on leg on the cement.  I have no idea what time of night this was or if any of my neighbors/roommates were home.  As far as I know, we could have easily given my whole street an incredibly sloppy show.

Well I am completely worthless on top, so mini cooper sex lasted all of 5 minutes until I demanded that we go inside.  We grabbed our things and walked into my house completely naked.  Then proceeded to have sex on the kitchen counter, couch, and stairs before finally making it to my bed.  And, as expected, Robby passed out immediately after finishing, on top of the covers, snoring louder than ever before.  The next morning, we laughed about how horny and insane we had behaved the night before.  As we walked outside to get breakfast, I looked down to find my underwear in the recycling bin on the front porch...

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